
Though we plan to expand this section, these are some links that we consider helpful.

Study Guides

  • HamStudy’s Technician Class HamBook (free, web only for now)
    • Written with the aid of AI tools but verified by real people, this guide is intended to be a comprehensive overview of the material you need to know for your Technician license without sticking directly to the questions; each section references questions which are covered, but it does not center around the questions themselves and tries to help you understand the concepts around them instead.
  • KB6NU’s No-Nonsense Study guides (free)
    • Relatively straightforward and completely free. These are a great companion to HamStudy for aspiring and current hams alike who are preparing for a radio test.
  • ARRL License Manual (book to purchase)
    • If you are one that wants to fully learn all the materials before you get your license, the ARRL books are a great resource.
  • Gordon West’s study materials (materials to purchase)
    • Another good commercial option for learning about ham radio.
  • David Casler’s Youtube video guides for the license pools
    • Excellent video classes for all three US licenses

Other Free Study Websites


    • HamStudy is modern, powerful, works on cell phones, and has both flash cards and practice tests — we think we’ve done a pretty good job of providing a system that has something for everyone.  However, if there is something you don’t like about our website, here are some other options you can check out:
    • If we weren’t using HamStudy, we’d probably use this one. Ron, NA0Q, has done a great job with this little site and has some great flash cards and statistics. Mobile site with flash cards only available. Requires login for statistics and flash card history.
  •’s practice tests
    • Very simple but still effective practice tests.  Includes a “no figures” option for the sight-impaired.
  • QRZ
    • One of the oldest options, tied to the relatively well-known QRZ website.  Requires login.
  • eHam
    • eHam is a great website where you can find or write reviews for all sorts of amateur products; in addition, it turns out they have their own set of practice tests.
  • Others (list maintained by ARRL)
    • This is a list maintained by ARRL of study websites.  It changes sometimes, and there are a few other options they have that we didn’t list here.

Finding Help

  • Amateur Radio StackExchange
    • Community-moderated Question/Answer style site where you can ask questions about ham radio and get answers.
  • KY4KY’s Ham Radio Links
    • Large collection of ham radio related links
  • HamRadioHelp Yahoo! group
    • Very friendly user group / email list where you can ask questions (even stupid ones!) and get very helpful answers.  Dedicated to helping new hams in the hobby, also very helpful for existing hams.
  • – This site is intended to help provide an online mentor for new hams. There is a lot of good info here.

Resources for learning more about the hobby

  • BroadBand Hamnet – this is a fun project involving the creation of a mesh wireless network using common computer wireless hardware.
  • W2AEW’s youtube channel – videos on hobby electronics, test & measurement, ham radio, and other stuff geared toward the hobbyist
  • HamRadio360 Podcast – HamRadio360 is a great resource for those wanting to learn new things about the hobby — they have been consistently a great support to us and to many other smaller initiatives in the Ham Radio community. Great resource!

Honorable Mentions

Here are some other websites that we feel worth mentioning, but didn’t fit in a particular category above:

Did we miss any important ones?

We don’t want this to be a collection of all links to any ham radio website out there, but if there is a website (even if it’s yours) that you think we should link to, feel free to leave it in the comments; we’ll clear comments out from time to time and add the links that particularly impress us.

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