Though we plan to expand this section, these are some links that we consider helpful.
Study Guides
- HamStudy’s Technician Class HamBook (free, web only for now)
- Written with the aid of AI tools but verified by real people, this guide is intended to be a comprehensive overview of the material you need to know for your Technician license without sticking directly to the questions; each section references questions which are covered, but it does not center around the questions themselves and tries to help you understand the concepts around them instead.
- KB6NU’s No-Nonsense Study guides (free)
- Relatively straightforward and completely free. These are a great companion to HamStudy for aspiring and current hams alike who are preparing for a radio test.
- ARRL License Manual (book to purchase)
- If you are one that wants to fully learn all the materials before you get your license, the ARRL books are a great resource.
- Gordon West’s study materials (materials to purchase)
- Another good commercial option for learning about ham radio.
- David Casler’s Youtube video guides for the license pools
- Excellent video classes for all three US licenses
Other Free Study Websites
- HamStudy is modern, powerful, works on cell phones, and has both flash cards and practice tests — we think we’ve done a pretty good job of providing a system that has something for everyone. However, if there is something you don’t like about our website, here are some other options you can check out:
- If we weren’t using HamStudy, we’d probably use this one. Ron, NA0Q, has done a great job with this little site and has some great flash cards and statistics. Mobile site with flash cards only available. Requires login for statistics and flash card history.
-’s practice tests
- Very simple but still effective practice tests. Includes a “no figures” option for the sight-impaired.
- One of the oldest options, tied to the relatively well-known QRZ website. Requires login.
- eHam
- eHam is a great website where you can find or write reviews for all sorts of amateur products; in addition, it turns out they have their own set of practice tests.
- Others (list maintained by ARRL)
- This is a list maintained by ARRL of study websites. It changes sometimes, and there are a few other options they have that we didn’t list here.
Finding Help
- Amateur Radio StackExchange
- Community-moderated Question/Answer style site where you can ask questions about ham radio and get answers.
- KY4KY’s Ham Radio Links
- Large collection of ham radio related links
- HamRadioHelp Yahoo! group
- Very friendly user group / email list where you can ask questions (even stupid ones!) and get very helpful answers. Dedicated to helping new hams in the hobby, also very helpful for existing hams.
- – This site is intended to help provide an online mentor for new hams. There is a lot of good info here.
Resources for learning more about the hobby
- BroadBand Hamnet – this is a fun project involving the creation of a mesh wireless network using common computer wireless hardware.
- W2AEW’s youtube channel – videos on hobby electronics, test & measurement, ham radio, and other stuff geared toward the hobbyist
- HamRadio360 Podcast – HamRadio360 is a great resource for those wanting to learn new things about the hobby — they have been consistently a great support to us and to many other smaller initiatives in the Ham Radio community. Great resource!
Honorable Mentions
Here are some other websites that we feel worth mentioning, but didn’t fit in a particular category above:
- N1GY- The simple Approach to Ham Radio
- N1GY strives to provide information in a simple format and has a lot of interesting info about many different Amateur Radio topics.
Did we miss any important ones?
We don’t want this to be a collection of all links to any ham radio website out there, but if there is a website (even if it’s yours) that you think we should link to, feel free to leave it in the comments; we’ll clear comments out from time to time and add the links that particularly impress us.
By K4UPT April 14, 2014 - 13:51
I just took and passed my General and Amateur Extra class exams. First of all, thanks for being a big part of that. Second, I found one question that might have an incorrect answer set. How can I report that?
de K4UPT
By taxilian April 14, 2014 - 14:07
send us an email at; most likely, though, it’s not incorrect but simply an accurate transcription of the official question pool.
By Ken Wheeler August 16, 2016 - 13:16
I have tried to study for general exam off and on for nine years and gave up several times. Then I ran across your flashcard program, well I connected to it I could not stop, I was actually learning I spent three evenings studying just with your flashcards.
And one day later I found an General exam being held that evening, I took the exam and passed, I missed two questions. Great program. I sent you a small donation, I wish it could be more because it was worth a lot more. KE7MMC/AG
By kd7bbc August 16, 2016 - 14:04
Congratulations on passing your General exam, Ken! We’re glad we could help and we appreciate the donation, whatever the size. Helping folks like you is why we do this!
By Jason Kibbe October 23, 2014 - 12:30
iOS (free):
Ham Tech and Ham Radio Exam
Android (free):
Ham Test Prep
All of the apps pretty much do the same thing: Practice questions by section and take practice tests!
By kd7bbc November 21, 2014 - 09:33
Many apps are very similar; however, there are some significant differences in some cases. For example, HamStudy’s flashcards are significantly more intelligent and much more efficient for studying than simply taking practice tests. That said, the most important thing is to find something that works for you and use it!
By Robert July 29, 2017 - 12:26
I concur, significantly more intelligent and efficient! Flashcards are definitely the way to go, yet HamStudy has gone beyond and taken the flash card system to new level with their instant feedback, simplified explanations and mnemonics, and their ingenious repetition algorithm.
By Bruce Ross April 14, 2015 - 11:19
I bought three reference / guide books in preparation for my Technician licensing test, and I kept failing 2/3 of the online sample tests until I spent two evenings studying the site. The instant feedback and explanations for each question made the topics understandable for me. Two days later I took the exam and aced it! Thank you, as I don’t think I could have passed without use of your excellent study website. Now I am going to begin studying for my General license because you helped me gain confidence in the information.
By Kent January 22, 2016 - 20:43
I decided to take my Tech. Test 2 weeks ago. Last night I took and passed with no previous knowledge Thank You hamstudy
By Seth January 26, 2016 - 21:47
I would love it if you would develop an app. I spend a lot of time on planes where internet is at a premium. Your site was perfect as I studied and passed my technician exam, however it would be great if there was an offline option. I would pay a significant amount to have one. All the apps I looked at are just practice exams or flashcards with no explanations of the answers. The explanations are the reason your study guides are the best.
By kd7bbc February 6, 2016 - 18:50
We are working on it; it’s slow going, unfortunately, as we have jobs and families. Because of the time sacrificed from those things it will probably cost; likely $4. It’s in progress, but it’s not going to be done in the next month or two. I can’t say more than that, other than that it will also include a lot of other benefits and that all features of the app will be available for both mobile and desktop on for free still. The app will only be required for offline use.
By Rod Walton March 5, 2016 - 20:23
I just wanted to drop you a line and tell you how much your website helped me. Today I just passed my Amateur Extra test with a 90%. Last month I missed only 1 question on my General test. Materials are awesome and I am recommending them to anyone that might be considering becoming a ham or upgrading, as I used them exclusively. Keep up the great work Hamstudy!
By kd7bbc March 7, 2016 - 13:40
Congratulations on passing your Extra and thanks for letting us know!
By Ace April 10, 2016 - 10:34
I spent 9 days while on vacation studying the flashcards for all 3 exams (2 days – Tech, 2 days – General, and 5 days – Extra) until I was able to consistently score above 95. I started each day with 2 or 3 tests for each class studied to date and then went through the flashcards. Over and over – making sure that I understand why I missed each question that gave me trouble.
Thanks to the way the flashcard “tutor” drilled me on questions I missed, during the actual exam sessions, I scored 100 on Elements 2 and 3 and only missed 2 on Element 4. I finished all three exams in about 1.5 hours -including wait time for scores.
I probably would have required several weeks to reach this same level of preparedness using any other method, so I think that the way that your algorithm relentlessly drills the student on missed questions provides a surprisingly effective study regimen.
Thank you so very much for providing this invaluable resource.
By Brad Johnson April 25, 2016 - 18:34
I read earlier that a offline app might be available soon. I just wanted to check on the status.
Thank you for the great web site.
By kd7bbc April 25, 2016 - 19:18
It is under development, but unfortunately we’ve been low on time. We’re looking for an offshore (or onshore, if we can afford them =]) developer to assist in getting it going faster and funding them with antenna sales from, our parent company, but it’s hard going finding just the right person who can do things the way we need it. It’s not good enough to just work, it’s got to work exactly how we need and it has to be maintainable by us as well =]
In the mean time, for some reason as each of us have more kids and progress in our careers our free time is somehow not increasing (shocking, I know). =] Don’t give up hope, though, progress is being made! I can’t give you any timeline for completion yet, though.
By Chris September 3, 2016 - 13:30
Just want to drop a note to say thanks for the study materials.
They really made a difference in preparing me to pass the technician exam this morning!
At some point, I’ll make use of materials for general and extra.
And I am ordering a Signal Stuff signal stick for my starter radio! 🙂
By Dennis May 14, 2017 - 05:31
Wow! What an excellent tool. I found HamStudy on Wednesday and took the Technical test on Saturday. I did so well on the test that I continued on with the General and passed that on the following Saturday. I know absolutely nothing about HAM radio except for what I learned on your site, but I’ve found a local club that will help me get started with the actual operating. Thanks a lot for the site.
By kd7bbc May 22, 2017 - 14:38
We’re glad we could help! You are now Licensed to Learn =]
By Myles Carpeneto May 28, 2017 - 14:25
I just passed my Extra Class exam, and it would not have happened without the help of Thank you very much.
By John McCabe May 30, 2017 - 07:04
Logging on just to say thank you. The flash cards with the information box was the only reason I passed my Technician and General tests. Thank you for a job well done.
By Kirk Durbin (KM6LQH) August 24, 2017 - 16:38
Can anyone direct me on who to contact about registering on HamStudy.Org. My wife would like to get licensed and study on the site. However, for some reason the registration process times out and will not allow registration to get onto the website.
By kd7bbc August 25, 2017 - 10:01
Email and we’ll be happy to help you out!
Most likely the issue is that her username is already taken — this is a known bug that I haven’t had time to fix yet. :-/ Always too much to do and not enough time.
By Jay October 23, 2017 - 08:51
Thank you thank you thank you!!! I aced my tech exam and took the general same night, missed only one! Can you please direct me to a good Morse code trainer website or software?
By kd7bbc November 14, 2017 - 00:12
Hi Jay,
We don’t have any morse code resources currently; there are some good ones out there, but none that we have enough experience with to recommend, sorry :-/
– Richard, KD7BBC
By Hugh December 3, 2017 - 08:06
Nice work…you helped me get through both the General and Extra exams. I recommend your site to fellow hams looking to get a Tech license or upgrade.
Hats off to you and Icom for the site and the well-done flash cards, questions and exams.
Keep up the good work, and when I’m ready for another dual band HT antenna I’ll pick up one or more of your Signal Sticks.
By Rich Carnes May 18, 2018 - 12:12
Many thanks for the comprehensive Extra Class Study material and Practice tests.
I used your site in tandem to a class room overview on a projector with live
discussion of the material. Home study with your program allowed me to
pass the Amateur Extra Class test on May 19 with 49 of 50 correct answers.
Keep up the good work!
Donation applied May 18
By cbutler June 18, 2018 - 16:26
I created an account on your site with “Sign in with Google” option. I’ve logged out and back in a couple of times so I know that account is working fine.
I then purchased and downloaded your mobile app. I successfully made it on my phone but I can’t log in. I have tried the same Google username and pswd. No love. I even changed the password. NO issues getting on from my workstation. N luck on the mobile app.
Any suggestions?
By kd7bbc June 19, 2018 - 10:12
Two things here: First, just for future reference, you’ll get much faster response if you email support ( — you can find it in the app under “Help and Feedback”.
Regarding the google login, I am really sorry for the trouble there — we’re working on adding it, but it’s a lot more work than you would expect. If you reset your password you can log in using the username you selected when you logged in with google and your password. The username will appear in your password reset email if you’ve forgotten it.
If you still can’t get it to work send an email to with the specific username and email you’re trying to use and we’ll help you out there! (I don’t want that info posted here on a public forum).
Richard KD7BBC
By Bob Burkett September 15, 2018 - 12:27
Under “Reading the Questions” … how do I display the questions with all possible answers in the same font and color … without the answer being highlighted
By kd7bbc September 20, 2018 - 22:22
Hi Bob,
That’s not a feature we currently support, but we are considering adding a mode for that as per your request on
By Matthew hayes January 22, 2020 - 16:38
Hello there!
I would just like to say Thank You… Solely thru your app and me putting in the time, I have exceeded my wildest expectations. Thank you, everyone of you, that put in untold hours working on and going thru this app with all the questions and explanations. keep up the helps and hints.. it made a diffrence for me, and I am shure others. You have a good thing here and are doing a service for the ham community. You have my sincere recommendation.
By Stefan E Baartman October 19, 2020 - 07:23
Wonderfull training site. I studied Tech and General for a few weeks and passed both this past Saturday. Now studying for the Extra.
By MICHAEL JAROSS January 8, 2022 - 17:21
I’m working on my code speed and accuracy, and making the switch to a twin-paddle key. Can you suggest any online resources for twin-paddle cw study? Thanks.
By Juan Alberto Soto Lopez March 20, 2022 - 21:27
Hi do you have the study material in Spanish?
By kd7bbc March 21, 2022 - 13:00
Yes, though I don’t have them all fully linked with the english pool the way I want and plan to. Until then you can find the current (as of Mar 21, 2022) pools in Spanish here:
* Technician
* General
* Amateur Extra
By Steve July 5, 2022 - 09:11
Found this test question but it wasn’t listed in your study material.
On what bands may automatically controlled stations transmitting RTTY or data emissions communicate with other automatically controlled digital stations?
A. Only in the non-phone Extra Class segments of the bands
Wrong AnswerB. On any band segment where digital operation is permitted
Correct AnswerC. Anywhere in the 6-meter or shorter wavelength bands, and in limited segments of some of the HF bands
D. Anywhere in the non-phone segments of the 10-meter or shorter wavelength bands
You site only goes to 10.
Thought you might want to know.
By kd7bbc July 5, 2022 - 14:44
Hi Steve,
I completely understand the confusion =] That question has actually been completely withdrawn — see — but the NCVEC site is inconsistent in how it lists it. I know for sure that it has been withdrawn because I asked the Question Pool Committee directly to verify, but they still haven’t updated the website to clarify that.
Thanks for keeping an eye out, though, and sorry for the confusion! I’ve submitted a request again that they update that to help resolve the confusion.
Richard KD7BBC (HamStudy Owner)
By Van Herridge August 14, 2022 - 09:58
I would like a Prepper to provide a program at the Trident Amateur Radio Club in Charleston, SC. We have 70 active members and the presentation would be about 15 – 30 minutes.
By James Szatkowski October 6, 2022 - 09:27
How do I add an in-person resting site/session/date??
By Jeff Johns January 6, 2023 - 06:27
Good morning – I inadvertently registered for the wrong test session today. I have corrected my error, and registered for the correct session, however I could not locate a link to cancel the session I incorrectly registered for this morning. Please advise how to correct my mistake. The session Pin number that needs to be cancelled is 0788 under WM7X call.
I apologize for the inconvenience
By Alvin (Pal Al) McManus May 13, 2023 - 19:10
Thank you so much for excellent prep. I passed my Technicians exam with 35/35.
By Ladylotus May 30, 2023 - 21:34
Where can I find the flashcards?
By Mike June 6, 2023 - 09:20
I went from technician to extra within 10 days using hamstudy. Now if you just add cw flash cards that would top it all off. Even if you use dah-di-dit for example until you figure out how to incorporate audio.
By Lelandous June 23, 2023 - 01:46
Word on the street is that you sell really nice ultra flexible antennas.
Is there truth to this?
By Randolph T. Gideon June 25, 2023 - 20:44
I been studying Hamstudy for many years.
I passed my Technician with Ham study.
I passed my General with Ham study.
And now on 6/24/2023. I passed my Amateur Extra Class with
Thank you for all of your help, your system made it so easy to learn and study!
Randolph T. Gideon
By Ed Cotter October 9, 2023 - 17:40
I’m sorry I didn’t leave this comment earlier.
I’ve used to get my Technician license scoring 33 out of 35 and then my General license with a perfect score. I then wanted to show Icom my gratitude for sponsoring, so I went and bought a brand new Icom 7300 and the desk microphone that goes with it. I just might find time to study for the Amateur Extra one of these days. Thank you to everyone at for putting together the Best Ham license study course anyone could need. 73 Ed Cotter
By Lee R Martin, Sr January 24, 2024 - 11:17
I registered as an examiner and when I did I put k4ndj1 by mistake I have been trying to contact you so I could reset it and register as k4ndj. I have been trying to solve this problem for 6 months. What can I do. My phone number is (850) 951-2881. My email is below.
By Gavin E Gilbert June 3, 2024 - 20:38
Thanks for the AWESOME recourses. I am going for my Extra on the 13th of June 2024, 9 days away and I love this.
This had helped me for my TECH GEN and EXTRA!
By Ralph July 1, 2024 - 21:26
Please add read for you, on
By Linda Apple July 11, 2024 - 07:55
I need the practice test for a study guide line
By Brad Warren November 29, 2024 - 23:34
Suggestion: How about a study course for National Incident Managment System? I prep for the test for ARES?