How can I best use the resources on
There are easy answers to this and hard answers to this =] The main thing is to find what works for you and do it! Here are some overall suggestions, though:
- Use practice tests as a progress gauge, not as a study tool. When you finish the test you can see where you missed the most questions, so focus on that subelement for awhile. Rinse and repeat.
- Don’t underestimate how useful reading the questions can be! That’s why we have the section there, and you can click “Hide Distractors” in the top right corner to hide all but the correct answer.
- Flash cards can get tedious after awhile; break the monotony by reading questions and taking a practice exam now and again. It can also help to select a specific subelement to study.
Whatever method you choose, the most important thing is to not get discouraged and keep going!
By Thomas CIson June 9, 2015 - 13:53
Your site was instrumental in my passing the Technician and General exams this past Saturday. Now am on to Extra. It would be a very nice feature if, when studying flashcards… you could limit those showing to the subcategory… ie E2C only, the way you can limit to E2 only. Extra level questions are much harder (at least to me) and I am trying to study them one subsection at at time.
Thank you for designing such a helpful site,
By Mark Jones June 15, 2015 - 22:05
Thanks so much for! I have used it to get my Tech back in early January and tonight, I passed my General – only missed four! As an educator, we deal with different styles of learning. I even have a mixed bag of learning styles. In any case, I was able to do well by using your site. So I wanted to thank you.
By kd7bbc July 11, 2015 - 12:00
You are very welcome!
By Steve R March 23, 2017 - 10:26
Hi I just wanted to let you know that I took the Technician Class exam last Saturday and passed. I only missed one question.
I started studying for the General Ckass and I’ll be taking that exam on 4/1.
The tests, flash cards and study cards worked great. Many of the questions were spot on and I answered many before I completed reading the question. I’d say you have this whole process pretty much nailed.
Thanks again,
Steve R
By Bill January 28, 2018 - 22:44
I just wanted to say Thanks Ham Study!!! I took the Technician exam Saturday 1/27/18 and passed with a 97%. Not only that but my son caught on that I was studying and decided he wanted to as well. He also passed his with a 97%! We will be going for our general at the end of March.
The materials you have here are great!